The reputation of Premier Nutrition has been built over many years by the people who have worked with our customers, suppliers and partners. We pride ourselves on operating with integrity and working with our customers to make their businesses more profitable.
In our industry we are all acutely aware of the dilemma facing the world today - how to feed a growing population whilst safeguarding the planet. This is a huge task but by no means unachievable. We believe that it is precisely by working with our customers, and by continuing to focus on efficiency and productivity, that we can play our part in addressing some of these challenges and, at the same time, continue to drive value for our customers.
The AB Agri community, of which Premier Nutrition is a part, is a group of leading agricultural businesses that operate across the food supply chain. We share the same passion and vision for our industry. That we have a unique opportunity to protect the Earth’s precious natural resources and to safeguard the people, the land and the animals we supply.
We’re serious about our responsibilities to the planet when it comes to feeding a growing population. Agriculture is an industry like no other. By working together responsibly across our industry, we can leave the legacy of a better planet for future generations and ensure there is enough food for the growing population.
We’ve defined three key areas to get us there:
For us this means helping our customers reduce the environmental impact of food production, supporting this through the products and services we provide, and by achieving net zero in our own business operations.
We have worked collaboratively with our suppliers to understand the country of origin of the feed materials we purchase and have identified the country of origin for more than 95% of our materials. We are using this insight to risk assess our ingredients more accurately. Our approach is based on using global risk analytics to understand where there may be an increased risk of environmental and political issues, or human rights abuses.
Animal health and welfare are inextricably linked and can be significantly influenced by excellent nutrition. When an animal’s health is improved, so is their welfare and their performance efficiency.
Our 2 manufacturing sites will soon be supplied by electricity that is certified as renewable for all our operations.
At Premier Nutrition, we buy 470 raw materials from over 80 different countries from across the globe. We have introduced Authenticate, a supply chain mapping programme, that enables us to trace our supply chains back to source.
Why is this important? The ability to ensure that the premix products that we supply are safe, is critical to the success of our business. Authenticate is a specialist programme that not only gives us a database to track and manage our ingredient suppliers, but it helps us to also understand and safeguard supply.
In addition, Premier Nutrition is proud to be a member of Sedex, the global collaborative platform for sharing responsible sourcing on supply chains. Sedex helps us to manage both our supplier’s performance and our own around labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics.
All our Premier Nutrition sites have completed the latest Self-Assessment Questionnaire which customers can see on request. An AB Agri SMETA/SA8000 trained auditor has already conducted internal audits and an external audit was carried out at our Rugeley sites previously.
You can learn more about our responsibility programme and the work Premier Nutrition do by visiting